• Petor Jankevicius

    (The Velvet Hammer)


    Tattooing since 2000, Petor started his apprenticeship in 1999 at Wylde Tattoo just a half a block from Atomica’s current location.

    In 2006, he opened the original Atomica Tattoo in Hamilton’s art district.

    After running the shop for a few years, he decided to travel doing guest spots, conventions and working with other tattooers to widen his knowledge and understanding of tattooing.

    Petor enjoys tattooing in an illustrative style taking inspiration from Japanese, neo-traditional, art nouveau, folk, and brutalist styles and has a background in graphic design.

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    Carole Nelan


    Carole has been tattooing since 2007, working in Hamilton, Burlington, and most recently in Montreal.

    Comfortable with colour as well as black and grey, Carole enjoys tattooing flash pieces and custom work! Whether you are looking for large scale multi-session work or a small meaningful tattoo that can be done in one session, Carole is always happy to accommodate a client’s tastes to the best of their ability!